Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Is there life out there?

Since the earliest days I can remember I've had a fascination with the concept of Space. While the gravity of our Earth pulls down on my body there is an anti-gravity which is pulling my thoughts and imagination towards the Heavens. I've always had an instinctual feeling while looking at the stars that there were other places out there just waiting for us to find and explore them! Though we have, last I heard of, not come up with a means to travel the vast distances and see for ourselves I do not doubt that there are a plethora of "Eden Planets" just waiting for colonization. I also believe that there are countless other civilizations and infinite races and species for us to encounter.

We as a planet and as a race of humans are metaphorically nothing but a tiny tadpole in an enormous ocean full of other life. That ocean itself is just a small part of something even larger which is also alive. People talk about Mother Nature and a living Gaia Spirit of our Earth. I believe in a Universal Gaia Spirit and meditate upon it frequently. Some of the thoughts I channel tell me that we are comparable to mitochondria inside a larger living being. There is a fractal nature about the Universe, a certain ratio that is taking place. I like to think of that ratio as "the fall off" or "fractal rate of decay". There are jumps between paradigms of existences/universes, jumps between variations of patterns. I haven't quite put my finger on it but I think that these falloff ratio's are important somehow in having to do with harmonizing Space/Time quantum physics equations. There are variations of patterns that evolve and I see it as a fractal chain happening through a Space/Time medium. There are things I see that I cannot even devote the time to trying to explain, not now anyways. And there are things I see which I cannot explain even if I wanted to. Everything I just said about fractal nature in the Universe may seem a little vague right now, so forgive me. Maybe in time I will learn better methods to communicate my visions.

Anyways, I know scientists are developing methods to travel the great depths of Space, with one of the primary focuses being on rechargable/replenishable fuel sources. However we are a long ways off from the kind of access to the Heavens that I'm sure most of us dream about. I sometimes get very irritated when I think about Space travel because my mind tells me that "Warp Drive" and an existence similar to Star Trek or Star Wars is really not that unreasonable. I can't help but always wonder what it is that we've been missing. I think whatever it is that once we find it we're going to feel silly because I belive that somehow the solution to opening up the gateway to the firmament is going to be a simple one. With that being said I also think that we as humans are out of balance with the world, nature, and the universal spirit around us and that we probably won't see the right answers until the majority of humans become in touch with the spirit of life again.

So when I hear scientists and main stream media ponder the question of "if other life exists in the universe" I think "what a silly thought 'is there life'.."

Life is. We are not the only life, we are part of life. We are not the end all of creation.

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